stamp was issued to celebrate the centenary of
"LO-Landsorganisasjonen" (The Norwegian Confederation of Trade
Unions). Depicted on the stamp is a statue called "Pioneren"
(The Pioneer). It is located in front of the Union Headquarters
in Oslo. This monument of a generic pioneer labourer carrying a
sledgehammer, resembling a track-laying worker, was made in 1958 by
the Norwegian sculptor Per Palle Storm. LO is decidedly the largest
and most influential workers' organisation in Norway, and the *railway
workers' union founded in 1892 became part of the Confederation
in 1919. It has a strong position in society and has set its stamp
on society's development throughout the whole of the last century.
Catalogue Nos.: Sc 1223 / SG / Mi 1318 / YT / NK 1361